María José Pastoriza Gallego
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 2005 2004


35. Carolina Hermida Merino; Martin Perez Rodriguez; Manuel Martinez Piñeiro; Maria Jose Pastoriza Gallego* . “Tuning the electrical conductivity of exfoliated graphite nanosheets nanofluids by surface functionalization”. Soft Matter , 2017, 13 , 3395-3403

34. Margarida L. Ferreira María J. Pastoriza-Gallego João M. M. Araújo José N. Canongia Lopes Luís Paulo N. Rebelo Manuel M. Piñeiro Karina Shimizu Ana B. Pereiro . “ Influence of Nanosegregation on the Phase Behavior of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids ”. J. Phys. Chem. C , 2017 , 121 (9), pp 5415–5427


33. Carolina Hermida Merino; Martin Perez Rodriguez; Manuel Martinez Piñeiro; Maria Jose Pastoriza Gallego*. “Evidence of viscoplastic behaviour of exfoliated graphite nanofluids”. Soft Matter . 2016 . DOI: 10.1039/C5SM02932E.


32. Carlos Bravo-Díaz, Laurence S. Romsted, Changyao Liu, Sonia Losada-Barreiro, Maria José Pastoriza-Gallego, Xiang Gao, Qing Gu, Krishnan Gunaseelan, Verónica Sánchez-Paz, Yongliang Zhang and Aijaz Dar.To Model Chemical Reactivity in Heterogeneous Emulsions:Think Homogeneous Microemulsions. Langmuir 2015 , 31 (33 ), 8961-8979

31. María José  Pastoriza-Gallego, Sonia Losada-Barreiro, Carlos Bravo-Díaz. Interfacial kinetics in octane based emulsions. Effects of surfactant concentration on the reaction between 16-ArN 2 + and octyl and lauryl gallates.  Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects . 2015, doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2014.10.019 .

30. D. Cabaleiro ,J. Nimo, M.J. Pastoriza-Gallego , M.M. Piñeiro , J.L. Legido , L. Lugo. Thermal conductivity of dry anatase and rutile nano-powders and ethylene and propylene glycol-based TiO 2 nanofluids.  J. Chem. Thermodynamics . 2015, 83, 67–76.

29. Alejandra Mariano, María José Pastoriza-Gallego, Luis Lugo, Lelia Mussari , Manuel M. Piñeiro. Co3O4 ethylene glycol-based nanofluids: Thermal conductivity, viscosity and high pressure density.  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.  2015, 85, 54–60.



28. María José  Pastoriza-Gallego, Luis Lugo, David Cabaleiro, José Luis Legido, Manuel M Pineiro. Thermophysical profile of ethylene glycol-based ZnO nanofluids.  J. Chem. Thermodynamics . 2014, 73, 23-30.



27. Freitas, S.V.D. ,  E Silva, F.A. ,  Pastoriza-Gallego, M.J. ,  Piñeiro, M.M.,  Lima, A.S. ,  Coutinho, J.A.P. Measurement and prediction of densities of vegetable oils at pressures up to 45 MPa . J. Chem. Eng. Data. 2013, 58 (11), 3046-3053.

26. Pereiro, Ana; Pastoriza-Gallego, María José; Shimizu, Karina; Marrucho, Isabel; Canongia Lopes, Jose Nuno; Piñeiro, Manuel; Rebelo, Luis Paulo. On the Formation of a New, Third, Nanostructured Domain in Ionic Liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2013 , 117 (37), 10826–10833. DOI: 10.1021/jp402300c

25.Pastoriza-Gallego, M.J. ,  Pérez-Rodríguez, M. ,  Gracia-Fernández, C. ,  Piñeiro, M.M. . Study of viscoelastic properties of magnetic nanofluids: An insight into their internal structure . Soft Matter . 2013, 9: 48, 11690-11698.

24. David Cabaleiro, Maria J. Pastoriza-Gallego, Carlos Gracia-Fernández, Manuel M. Piñeiro and Luis Lugo. Rheological and volumetric properties of TiO2-ethylene glycol nanofluids. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2013, 8 :286  doi:10.1186/1556-276X-8-286

23. D. Cabaleiro, M.J. Pastoriza-Gallego, M.M. Piñeiro, L. Lugo. Characterization and measurements of thermal conductivity, density and rheological properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles dispersed in water + ethylene glycol mixture . J. Chem. Thermodynamics. 2013, 58, 405–415

22. Alejandra Mariano, María José Pastoriza-Gallego, Luis Lugo, Alberto Camacho, Salvador Canzonieri, Manuel M. Piñeiro. Thermal conductivity, rheological behaviour and density of non-Newtonian ethylene glycol-based SnO2 nanofluids. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2013, 337, 119-124



21. Benigno Barbés, Ricardo Páramo, Eduardo Blanco, María José Pastoriza- Gallego, Manuel M. Piñeiro, José Luis Legido & Carlos Casanova. Thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity measurements of Al2O3 nanofluids. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012, DOI 10.1007/s10973-012-2534-9

20. Pastoriza-Gallego, María José; Losada-Barreiro, Sonia; Bravo-Díaz, Carlos. Effects of acidity and emulsifier concentration on the distribution of Vitamin C in a model food emulsion. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry . 2012, DOI: 10.1002/poc.2949

19. D. Cabaleiro, M.J. Pastoriza-Gallego, M.M. Piñeiro, J.L. Legido, L. Lugo. Thermophysical properties of (diphenyl ether + biphenyl) mixtures for their use as heat transfer fluids. J. Chem. Thermodynamics. 2012, 50, 80-88



18. M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego, L. Lugo, J. L. Legido, M. M. Piñeiro. Rheological non-Newtonian behaviour of ethylene glycol-based Fe2O3 nanofluids.Nanoscale Res. Lett , 2011, 6:560, 1-7.

17. M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego, L. Lugo, J. L. Legido, M. M. Piñeiro.Enhancement of thermal conductivity and volumetric behaviour of FexOy nanofluids. Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 110, 014309 1-9.

16. M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego, L. Lugo, J. L. Legido, M. M. Piñeiro.Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity Measurements of Ethylene Glycol-Based Al2O3 Nanofluids. Nanoscale Res. Lett, 2011, 6(1), 221 1-11.

15. Luciana I. N. Tome,Ramesh L. Gardas, Pedro J. Carvalho,Maria Jose Pastoriza-Gallego, Manuel M. Piñeiro,§ and Joao A. P. Coutinho. Measurements and Correlation of High-Pressure Densities of Phosphonium Based Ionic Liquids. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2011, 56, 2205-2217.

14. Maria Jorge Pratas, Mariana B. Oliveira, Maria Jose Pastoriza-Gallego,Antonio J. Queimada, Manuel M. Piñeiro, and Joao A. P. Coutinho. High-Pressure Biodiesel Density: Experimental Measurements, Correlation, and Cubic-Plus-Association Equation of State (CPA EoS) Modeling. Energy and Fuels 2011, 25 (8),:3806-3814 .

13. M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego, Verónica Sánchez-Paz, Laurence S. Romsted, Carlos Bravo-Díaz. Distribution of tert-butylhydroquinone in a corn oil/C12E6 / water based emulsion. Appication of the pseudophase kinetic model. Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 2011, 138, 33-38. ISBN 978-3-642-19037-7. Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York.

12. M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego, C. Casanova, J. L. Legido, M. M. Piñeiro. CuO in water nanofluid: influence of particle size and polydispersity on volumetric behaviour and viscosity. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2011, 300, 188-196.



11. Alejandra Fernández-Alonso, M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego; Carlos Bravo-Diaz. Butanolysis of 4-methylbenzenediazonium ions in binary n-BuOH/H2O mixtures and in n-BuOH/SDS/H2O reverse micelles. Effects of solvent composition, acidity and temperature on the switch between heterolytic and homolytic dediazoniation mechanisms. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2010, 8, 5304-5312.



10. M. J. Pastoriza-Gallego, C. Casanova, R. Páramo, B. Barbés, J. L. Legido, M. M. Piñeiro. A study on stability and thermophysical properties (density and viscosity) of Al2O3 in water nanofluid. Journal of Applied Physics 2009, 106(6), 064301 1-8.

9. Pastoriza-Gallego, Maria Jose; Sanchez-Paz, Veronica; Losada-Barreiro, Sonia; Bravo-Diaz, Carlos; Gunaseelan, K.; Romsted, Laurence S. Effects of Temperature and Emulsifier Concentration on a-Tocopherol Distribution in a Stirred, Fluid, Emulsion. Thermodynamics of a-Tocopherol Transfer between the Oil and Interfacial Regions. Langmuir 2009, 25(5), 2646-2653.

8. Pastoriza Gallego, M. Jose; Bravo-Diaz, Carlos. Butanolysis of 2-methylbenzenediazonium ions: product distribution, rate constants of product formation, and activation parameters. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2009, 22(5), 390-396.



7. Sanchez-Paz, Veronica; Pastoriza-Gallego, Maria Jose; Losada-Barreiro, Sonia; Bravo-Diaz, Carlos; Gunaseelan, K.; Romsted, Laurence S. Quantitative determination of a-tocopherol distribution in a tributyrin/Brij 30/water model food emulsion. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2008, 320(1), 1-8.

6. Bravo-Diaz, Carlos; Pastoriza-Gallego, Maria Jose; Losada-Barreiro, Sonia; Sanchez-Paz, Veronica; Fernandez-Alonso, Alejandra. Dediazoniation of 1-naphthalenediazonium tetrafluoroborate in aqueous acid and in micellar solutions. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2008, 40(6), 301-309.

5. Sonia Losada-Barreiro, Verónica Sánchez-Paz, María José Pastoriza-Gallego, and Carlos Bravo-Díaz. Micellar Effects on the Reaction between an Arenediazonium Ion and the Antioxidants Gallic Acid and Octyl Gallate. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2008, 91, 21-34.

4. María José Pastoriza-Gallego, Alejandra Fernández-Alonso, Sonia Losada-Barreiro, Verónica Sánchez-Paz and Carlos Bravo-Díaz. Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between 4-hexadecylbenzenediazonium ions and vitamin C in emulsions:further evidence of the formation of diazo ether intermediates in the course of the reaction. Advances Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 2008, 21, 524-530.



3. K. Gunaseelan, Laurence S. Romsted, María José Pastoriza Gallego, Carlos Bravo-Díaz, Elisa González-Romero. Determining tocopherol distributions between the oil, water, and interfacial regions of macroemulsions: Novel applications of electroanalytical chemistry and the pseudophase kinetic model. Advances in Colloid and interface Science 2006, 123-126, 303-311.



2. María José Pastoriza Gallego, Carlos Bravo-Díaz, Elisa González-Romero. Dediazoniation in SDS/BuOH/H2O reverse micelles: structural parameters, kinetics, and mechanism of the reaction. Langmuir 2005, 21(7), 2675-2681.



1. María José Pastoriza Gallego, Carlos Bravo-Díaz, Elisa González-Romero. Fluorimetric determination of structural parameters of BuOH/SDS/H2O reverse micelles. Colloid and Surface A 2004, 249 (1-3), 25-28.
